Prensa británica llama a Cristina Kirchner ‘matona populista’

Prensa británica llama a Cristina Kirchner ‘matona populista’

Según el  analista y asesor político Nile Gardiner  que escribió para el diario inglés The Telegraph,  la Presidenta argentina es ‘una matona populista’ y  “Timerman está soñando si cree que las Malvinas van a volver a ser suyas”.

“Como la mayoría de los matones, la presidenta argentina, Cristina Kirchner, está llena de provocaciones”.

Gardiner consideró que “Argentina está sometido a un ‘desgobierno socialista”, y que “El lenguaje amenazante de Timerman es un recordatorio de lo que Gran Bretaña y los isleños se enfrentan: un régimen argentino cada vez más beligerante y desesperado que se está hundiendo en su casa en un mar de desgobierno socialista, incluso acudiendo esta semana al control de precios en los supermercados en el contexto de un espiral inflacionario”.

“Cristina Kirchner tiene todas las características de un matón populista, intentando callar a sus oponentes dentro del país, mientras aspira a intimidar a un grupo de isleños pacíficos que viven a 1200 millas lejos de la capital de la Argentina. Su agresión, sin embargo, va a terminar en fracaso”.

“La matona de Buenos Aires puede soñar con su bandera flameando nuevamente sobre el Puerto Stanley, pero eso nunca va a ser una realidad. Ella debería entender que el espíritu de libertad es siempre más fuerte que la mano de demagogia, una lección que algunos de sus predecesores aprendieron a la fuerza tres décadas atrás”.

Nile Gardiner se quejó también de la actitud de Timerman en su primera visita oficial a Londres porque, emitió  ‘más amenazas contra los 3000 isleños’, y citó la entrevista que el canciller dio al diario The Guardian, donde aseguraba  que la Argentina controlará las islas en 20 años.

El autor agregó: “La palabra ‘iluso’ se viene a la mente al leer las declaraciones de Timerman”. “No hay posibilidad de que la Argentina tome control de las Malvinas en las próximas dos décadas, o ni siquiera en los próximos cien años. Las Malvinas van a seguir siendo británicas mientras sus habitantes deseen mantenerse bajo la protección de la Corona, lo cual probablemente sea siempre”.

Y  sostuvo que: “el país no respeta la autodeterminación del pueblo de Malvinas (el próximo 10 y 11 de marzo, los isleños votarán en un referéndum si desean seguir siendo británicos, pero el Gobierno no lo reconoce como válido)  la Argentina nunca tuvo un reclamo legítimo en Malvinas”.

Días atrás el  diario Financial Times escribió en una editorial  que: “la Presidenta se convirtió  en una impopular líder populista. Los argentinos están cansados de sus orgullosas arengas y de sus verdades selectivas”.

Nota completa del diario en inglés:

Nile Gardiner
Nile Gardiner is a Washington-based foreign affairs analyst and political commentator. A former aide to Margaret Thatcher, Gardiner has served as a foreign policy adviser to two US presidential campaigns. He appears frequently on American and British television, including Fox News Channel, BBC, and Fox Business Network.

Cristina Kirchner is the bully of Buenos Aires. She is dreaming if she thinks the Falklands will ever be hers

Like most bullies, Argentina’s president Cristina Kirchner is full of bluster. Her foreign minister Hector Timerman is in London this week, and has issued more threats against the 3,000 Falkland Islanders, claiming that within 20 years the Islands will be under Argentine control. As The Telegraph’s Damien McElroy reported earlier today:

He said Argentina was an “incomplete country” as a result of the British claims on what his government calls the Malvinas in the South Atlantic.

“I don’t think it will take another 20 years. I think that the world is going through a process of understanding more and more that this is a colonial issue, an issue of colonialism,” he said. “We don’t support the occupation of foreign lands, and the Malvinas case is the occupation of a foreign land.”

Timerman rejected the notion that the Falklands Islanders have the right to decide their own destiny:

While Mr Timerman also vowed to respect the “rights” of the 3,000 residents of the islands, he dismissed the need for their consent to a transfer of sovereignty.

“I don’t have to persuade them. The United Nations says there is a conflict between the United Kingdom and Argentina. I don’t have to persuade anybody. We have to apply international law and accept the resolutions; if not the UN becomes a body that is only useful when it backs the powerful,” he said.

The word “delusional” springs to mind after reading Timerman’s remarks. There is no prospect of Argentina taking control of the Falklands in the next two decades, or even in the next hundred years for that matter. The Falklands will stay British for as long as the inhabitants of the Falklands wish to remain under the protection of the Crown – which is likely to be indefinitely.

It is abundantly clear from Timerman’s rant that his government has absolutely no respect for the wishes of the Falkland Islanders themselves. This is a crystal clear-cut case of self-determination and sovereignty, and the Falkland Islanders will go to the polls in a referendum on March 10 and 11 (which Kirchner refuses to recognise) to vote on whether the Islands should continue as a self-governing British Overseas Territory. Argentina has never had a legitimate claim to the Falklands. There has been a British presence on the Islands since 1690 when sailors first landed, with the first British settlement in 1765, and its inhabitants are overwhelmingly of British descent.

Timerman’s menacing language is a reminder of what Britain and the Falkland Islanders face – an increasingly belligerent and desperate Argentinian regime that is sinking at home in a sea of socialist misgovernment, even resorting this week to price controls in supermarkets against a backdrop of spiraling inflation. Cristina Kirchner has all the hallmarks of a populist bully, trying to silence her opponents domestically while attempting to intimidate a group of peaceful Islanders who live 1,200 miles away from the capital city of Argentina. Her aggression, however, will end in failure.

Mrs. Kirchner should be in no doubt of the resolve of the Falkland Islanders to stand up for their liberty, or the determination of Great Britain to confront and defeat any threat from Argentina. The bully of Buenos Aires may dream of her country’s flag flying again over Port Stanley, but it will never be a reality. She should understand that the spirit of freedom is always stronger than the heavy hand of a demagogue, a lesson some of her predecessors were forced to learn three decades ago.

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